CLNK Green Network
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CLNK will offer a universal tool for project developers to start putting tonnage on-chain with minimal setup and verification costs, whilst still ensuring the integrity of the tons produced.
On top of this, the data produced can be analysed by anyone and will be by experts to develop and improve our approach over time, creating a more dynamic methodology which can adapt to new technology and market changes.
This approach could be applied to a range of data-driven methodologies to create the next generation of verifiable carbon credits:
The entire process relies upon Cartesi, a technology which enables verifiable, off-chain computation, which enables an efficient and transparent verification process.
The project developer uploads their timestamped and cryptographically signed data to the Cartesi machine (read more about this process here).
Using this data, the Cartesi machine performs the necessary checks to verify the data (read more about these checks here)
Assuming these checks are passed, the tons are submitted to a 30-day buffer pool, during which, anyone can repeat the computations, leave comments and address any issues with the tons.
The tons are then issued as an NFT which can be integrated into many of the new 'ReFi' applications on-chain.
The main benefit to project developers will cut the existing 18-24 month wait for project monetisation down to just a few weeks. As well, the instant integration with on-chain applications means an instant demand for the tons without the need for middlemen and brokers, meaning more of the profits can go back to project developers. And finally, the use of a more transparent and verifiable record of credit approval will likely mean these credits can command a higher price premium in the on-chain carbon market.
The key to enabling these projects to succeed is making the integration with the CLNK platform as easy as possible.
Smart Contracts as a Service (ScaaS) will ensure that like Raspberry Pi is computing for everyone, Creol Native Carbon Credits for everyone. The Raspberry Pi hardware has evolved through several versions with variations in the central processing unit, memory, networking support, peripheral-device support and form factor. For as little as $15 you can buy the hardware you need in over 55 countries across the world to start your journey with CLNK.
There are two processes that need to be fulfilled in the credit approval process: Cryptographically signing data and off-chain computation. CLNK offers options to best suit the project developer's needs:
Before performing these computations, the data from the sensors need to be cryptographically signed and timestamped to ensure data integrity throughout. This can be performed by any device capable of AES encryption, for example, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
CLNK will provide a script and simple instructions to sign this data and direct it to the appropriate location for computation.
The beauty of Cartesi is that all the checks and calculations needed to verify a ton can be performed 'off-chain', and can be replicated by anyone else.
Project developers have two options:
1) Download the latest CLNK Cartesi machine and run it on their compatible device, for example, the Raspberry Pi model 4.
2) Send the timestamped and cryptographically-signed data to the dedicated CLNK server.
With a Raspberry Pi model 4, you can also run your own CLNK validator node and earn CLNK tokens, see more here.
More information on these options is available here.