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Access access access: The explosive growth in on-chain carbon fuelled by the launch of Klima DAO was down in large part due to the ease of access to the carbon market.

Time to market has caused issues, until recently the only way to bridge or bring carbon credits from the legacy market on-chain was via the Toucan bridge, new companies like C3 who have automated this process are part of the ever-growing ecosystem and rapid growth that is lowering the barriers for more people to participate.

Building Blocks-chain

The term Web3 may not mean a lot to many people, but believe it or not, most people in the world today are daily users af Web2.

Web2 is known as the social web, companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch and many others are platforms within Web2. So when we say Web3, we are talking about the next development of the internet into the semantic web, to create the ‘web of data’. This is a space now dominated by Blockchain technology.

So if Web1 was all about the early stages of the internet, that then exploded into what most people are using today, Web4 many predict will arrive when projects start to harness the innovations of Web3 with the ease of accessibility and use of Web2.

CLNK has the intention to attempt to democratise the use of its Web3 innovation to become as easy to use as social media.

Whilst we as is the case for the rest of the ReFi space, sit at the intersection of two complex spaces, carbon markets and blockchain, our aim and indeed our roadmap is to demystify and lower the barriers to entry for more and more people.

For us, it starts with our Building Blocks-chain, the use of existing hardware, Raspberry Pi, to lower the cost and provide access to the necessary tools to become part of the CLNK network in over 50 countries around the world, right now.

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