What does carbon neutral or positive mean?

Being carbon neutral means balancing your impact with buying carbon credits, to be carbon positive, you need to buy more carbon credits than your impact.

Carbon neutrality is also known as a state of net-zero carbon impact on the planet. To achieve neutrality, a balance of your emissions of carbon dioxide with removal or mitigation often through purchasing carbon offsets or by reducing your emissions from society.

Your impact is measured through every choice you make from transportation to food, equipment, travel and more, carbon calculators can be used to assess your impact to help you understand.

The term climate-neutral also includes greenhouse gases other than CO2, even if CO2 is the most abundant.

"net zero" is a term used to describe a commitment to decarbonization and climate action, moving beyond carbon neutrality with a more comprehensive action and more activities under the scope of indirect emissions. Such an approach will often include a science-based target on emissions reduction, rather than only relying on offsets.

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