Transparency, trust and ease. The biggest risk for businesses is their reputation when it comes to their climate commitments. An expert panel will review all projects to ensure proper methodologies are followed.
Expert review panel
CLNK will launch with an expert panel, of carbon industry experts who will help vet and formulate the methodologies to be followed from existing registries.
Certification bodies make sure that offsets they certify are rigorously adhering to their standards /methodologies, and that they are monitored correctly and verified as correct.
It's the last two pieces that CLNK will add to with Digital MRV.
Two standards that are considered some of the highest are Verified Carbon Standard, and the Gold Standard. These standards guarantee that every CO2 offset is:
Additional: The project would not have been possible without financial support from the sale of the credits, this is where you can help.
Contained: Does not cause emissions to rise elsewhere as a direct result.
Permanent: The project will be protected against human or natural destruction.
Sustainable: Positively impacts local communities and the environment.
Verified: Is inspected and verified by an independent third party.
Unique: Its identifying reference is unique on a publicly accessible database ensuring it can only be counted once.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Holding CLNK Carbon credits can help towards your business's sustainability or net-zero targets, holding them on your balance sheet, could also be part of your portfolio of investments.
Last updated