Data Integrity

CLNK wants to open the door to as many projects as possible, whilst maintaining a high standard of quality. For this reason, we have begun developing a simplified grading system to better understand how traceable data is, specifically between the project's sensors to the use within computation - since this depends on how the project's data communication protocols are implemented. This grading system needs assessment from standards bodies and data integrity experts, and as such will not be implemented in v1.0.


A+ - Data is hashed, signed and computed on a device connected directly to the sensors.

A - Data is hashed and signed on a device connected directly to the sensors

B - Data is hashed on a device connected directly to the sensors

C - Data is sent to be hashed, signed and computed externally

The distinction in grades represents the potential for tampering or error within the data to occur, prior to being used in calculations. In an ideal world (A+) data could be fed directly into the Cartesi machine for computation without any risk of tampering, however, we appreciate this isn't possible within many projects so we open our services to any project attempting to improve their auditability.


Lets say that an individual hooks up a Pi and feeds a stream of data to falsely create tons. There is currently no way to detect that tampering using the Pi. In the future, using trusted hardware, such as IoTex's Pebble, would allow total end-to-end trust. But CLNK is not a hardware developer and, for the foreseeable future, only aims to provide tools for project developers to bring tons on-chain. There is potential for project developers who either get a physical survey or use trusted hardware may be able to sell their tons at a higher premium.

Last updated