Implementation Plan
Implementing native carbon tons is a massive step forward but requires the right balance between scaling quickly and ensuring high-integrity credits. As such, we can share a simplified version of our rollout plan, designed to best suit project developer's needs.
The first step for any new project or methodology will be to back-check existing data to test our automated verification system. Project developers can provide us with sample data which can be used to calculate number of tons mitigated or removed, then compare our figure with that issued by a standards body in the same timeframe. This comparison ought to help deliver a clear comparison between the integrity/accuracy of our new system compared to the traditional system.
Existing project developers can then choose to mint any number of credits with us; initially this could be a small sample of their total (e.g. 5%) to get familiar with the dynamic of on-chain carbon. From this sample test, project developers can see the benefits of native carbon credits for themselves (faster verification time, complete transparency, lack of middlemen). Following this, project developers may feel comfortable to go fully blockchain-native.
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